Since my last post I have attempted to burn the mg3 files to a CD.
I tried 4 different methods (using 643 of the 650 available space & 300 of
the 650 available space) using: 1: Adaptec\Easy CD Creator 4\CreateCD and
2: Adaptec\DirectCD
All 4 CDs resulted in error: all files (named mp3's) showed in the CD
directory but only about 15% of them were able to be opened or even copied to
the new system.
Using Adaptec\Easy CD Creator 4\CreateCD, the following error message was
given in the "closing session" process (copying files & writing tracks
*appeared* to be successful). Error message received: Recording Phase (99%)
Errors reported by output device. The following errors occurred while
creating CD:
T0100:I/O error (o04/09/00) - CD Recorder error - track following error
T7118: TrackWriter error - Command retry failed
....... the new PC did successfully copy the *15% good* mp3 files and
allowed me to play them.
Using Adaptec\DirectCD, I received no error messages during the "copy to"
process or when I "closed" the CD to be allowed to play on other systems.
...... When I placed that CD in the new PC it stated that the CD was corrupt
and would not allow me to view the files.
I then used Adaptec\Easy CD Creator 4\CreateCD to copy data files (NO
mp3/wav) and used the "Close Session and Leave CD Open" option to see if the
new PC would accept this CD - the new PC read and copied this CD successfully.
I then tried the same type of "Close Session and Leave CD Open" option to
see if the new PC would accept this CD containing mp3's ----- The closing
seesion basically gave me the same error message as previously but added
T7127 :
Error message received: Recording Phase (99%) Errors reported by output
device The following errors occurred while creating CD:
T0100:I/O error (o04/09/00) - CD Recorder error - track following error
T7127:TrackWriter error - flush failed
T7118: TrackWriter error - Command retry failed
T0100, ( 9I/O error (o04/09/00) - CD Recorder error - track following error
)explanation of error:
Reason for receiving this message: The CD-Recorder is having trouble
following the track.
What to do:
Clean the CD.
Try turning the CD-Recorder power off and on.
See the documentation provided with your CD-Recorder or contact the
manufacturer of the drive.
T7127, ( TrackWriter error - Command retry failed ) explanation of error:
Reason for receiving this message:
The trackwriter received an error while trying to write to the CD-Recorder,
tried resending the command, and failed again. This error is usually
accompanied by additional errors that describe the original error.
What to do:
Review the error message(s) that accompany this one.
Check for faulty or disconnected cables between your computer and your
Check for improper termination of the bus (SCSI only).
Restart your computer.
T7118, ( TrackWriter error - Flush Failed ) explanation of error
Reason for receiving this message:
An error occurred while trying to write to the CD-Recorder. After trying
again to write to the CD-Recorder without success, Easy CD Creator sent a
flush command to the CD-Recorder, but the flush command failed. Most likely
this error message is accompanied by another error message that describes the
cause of the original problem.
What to do:
Reinstall Easy CD Creator.
------------------------------- The new PC only copied about 20 of the 150
mg3 files then stopped with an error message - which I forgot to write down.
My computer is quite loaded with *stuff* !
Free: 3.26 GB / Used 25.3 GB, of 28.6 GB capacity
I will wait for your suggestion but I'm quessing you might tell me to
uninstall the "Adaptec\Easy CD Creator 4\CreateCD and the Adaptec\DirectCD "
and then reinstall it? I do have the original CD containing the software.
Concerning the
Quoting Mart : If you are trying to 'rip' tracks from Audio CD's to convert
to .wav's
Post by Martetc.,
(or vice-verca) then you *may* need special software e.g CDex ( ) but your existing burning
software *should* be able to do this.
Personally I wasn't doing it - son was, but that "ripping" option also
disappeared somewhere along the line (most likely the same time the program
started with the mp3/wav difficulties. Before using the Cdex utility should
we wait and see what the uninstall/reinstall of Adaptec does for us ??
Oh ya ... Heather, I'm a "she". Your reference to he and him didn't bother
me one bit except for the fact that I'm easily confused :) and when I first
read your post I thought you were referring to Mart, not myself.
Thanks again for the help, I look forward to your suggestions on what my
next step should be.
SSAP - (Connie)
sorry for the length of this post!
Post by MartBTW :-
My son also reminded me that mpg's (probably .mp3's) cannot
be changed to .wav (or was/is that the other way around?!)
I do have .wav that he says he can not convert and copy to his
audio player .
That (.wav to .mp3 and .mp3 to .wav) is possible using the CDex utility I
mentioned earlier.